Stash Wiki

World map (to scale)[ | ]

This to scale world map composed of more than one thousand screenshots has taken more than a week of capturing and dangerous exploration with numerous ambushes fought off. Accessible area East of the map extends roughly 14 per cents (276 pixels) of the map's width without any significant terrain change, so mapping there was skipped due to maximum file width in the software it was built with. North and South of the map combined extend roughly 10 per cents of the map's height. Zones marked with red stripes are inaccessible oceans and lakes, plus mountains, tundra and desert areas, access to which is not implemented in the game yet. Access to swamps are limited to level 30 characters and require the special Slemor mount.

The scale of the map is 1:10 (Size of the map is 2,000 × 2,000 pixels, click on the map to see the map file, then click again to enlarge and zoom)

Currently accessible Stash RPG game world extends to near 22,500 pixels in width and height.

Composed by Cadavrer (talk) 18:20, 11 November 2018 (UTC)


Basic information[ | ]

Stash RPG has a huge, tile based world map to explore with your character's figurine (a “peg” for short, hence a Peg Base) on the map. Ever played tabletop games? The world view is like a game board in tabletop or miniature gaming. This makes world travel faster, less confusing and more convenient. It is harder to get lost than in most MMOs.

As you explore the world you will find “Points of Interest” : dungeons, caves, mines, towers, fortresses, camps, etc. You can interact with a Point of Interest (POI) to enter it and explore in greater detail. A Dungeon is a Points of Interest that have some type of adventure within. Dungeons are where you will find monsters, bosses, exciting and dangerous activities.

There are two types of Dungeons:

World Dungeons: designed by hand for a specific purpose. These dungeons generally have a lore or story reason for their existence.

Private Dungeons: placed randomly at respawn points across the map, they contain combat encounters with random elemental affinities, provide variety and keep the world fresh and exciting.

World Map with Dungeon locations (not to scale)[ | ]

No exactly to scale but it is player made, scouted by Aluminara/Serra and upgraded by Sishun.

Stash map copy

Hitting the "Home" button will orientate your view to north.

Link to Dungeons page.

World Map with Resource Tier areas (not to scale)[ | ]

Tier paint

This is a map roughly showing where resources nodes of set tiers can be found.
